Education & Experience

Years Work Experience
2021.12 - McGill University
Postdoctoral researcher
2021.09 - 2021.11 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Postdoctoral researcher
Years Education
2017.02 - 2021.08 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Ph.D candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dissertation: “Deep-Learning based Urban Vehicle Trajectory Analytics”
Superviser : Prof. Hwasoo Yeo
2015.09 - 2017.02 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Thesis: “Development of Simulation-based Lane Change Control for Autonomous Vehicles”
Superviser : Prof. Hwasoo Yeo
2011.02 - 2015.08 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Years Experience
2018.10 - 2018.11 Visiting scholar in
University of Queensland
2017.05 - 2017.08 Visiting scholar in
University of Queensland
2014.01 - 2014.07 Exchange student in
Université de Technologie Compiegne